Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A healthy diet plan: balanced recipes for the entire week

A healthy diet plan: balanced recipes for the entire week

Many people strive for a balanced weekly menu, but it can be difficult to keep it cheap, healthy and varied. If you are not used to it, terms such as healthy eating & diet might sound very strict, but did you know that it can actually be fun too? Moreover, a diet plan offers the possibility to give leftovers a place, by using the same ingredients for different dishes.

Does this seem a bit too much work? Then try this healthy diet plan. Once you understand how it works, you can try to put together a good diet plan. See below how a weekly schedule can help you follow a varied and balanced diet!

Healthy diet schedule: Sunday
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with smoked salmon on wholemeal bread and cherry tomatoes.

Salmon has such a delicious, full flavor that when you eat this dish you will not miss the saturated fats that are in croissants or sweet rolls. Prepare the scrambled eggs in a non-stick pan and only use a small amount of liquid margarine instead of butter.

Finally sprinkle a handful of spinach over the eggs, cover your wholemeal bread with Becel ProActiv * and finish the dish with some cherry tomatoes.

Lunch: Vegetable soup

After an extensive breakfast you will not need a hearty lunch, so make a simple vegetable soup instead. Serve with a slice of wholemeal bread spread with Becel ProActiv *.

Snack: Cut one or two apples into small pieces and stir in raisins, cinnamon and pecans for a nice afternoon snack.

Dinner: Spaghetti bolognaise

Use lean beef and lots of vegetables in your bolognaise sauce to get to your recommended daily amount of vegetables and not to get too much saturated fat. Immediately make a large quantity and freeze a few portions - this will be used later this week - and serve the bolognaise with wholemeal pasta.

Healthy diet schedule: Monday
Breakfast: Avocado toast

Spread a toasted sandwich with Becel ProActiv * and top it with a crushed avocado for a portion of "good" unsaturated fat. Sprinkle some black pepper and lemon or lime juice over it for extra flavor. Simple and delicious!

Lunch: Sweet potato with bolognaise

Bolognaise sauce is very versatile - you can use the big pan you made on Sunday all week without getting tired of it! Put a small sweet potato in the oven and, as soon as it is cooked, scoop out the middle. Crush this with three tablespoons of sauce and then put it back in the peel. Serve grilled asparagus or spinach for a delicious, balanced meal!

Vegetable snacks: Can you use some energy? Dip pieces of carrot and celery in humus for a refreshing snack.

Dinner: Pasta with pesto of parsley and beans

For an extra large amount that you can use all week, you can put a large bunch of parsley (only the leaves) with a dessert spoon Becel ProActiv * Délice, two hands of pumpkin seed, a handful of walnuts and garlic in the blender. Stir in a dessert spoon of grated Parmesan cheese and then spoon the pesto through freshly cooked pasta. Add a handful of spinach and a half tin of white beans. Because of the beans you have to use less pasta and you achieve a better balance between starchy products and proteins. Serve cherry tomatoes.

Healthy diet schedule: Tuesday
Breakfast: Yogurt with delicious toppings

Sprinkle some yogurt with apple, raisins, a little honey and a handful of nuts. If you have walnuts or pumpkin seeds left from the pesto, even better!

Lunch: Fast bean stew

Can you still remember that vegetable soup? Warm it up with the rest of the white beans and crumble some low-fat feta (not everything, we'll use this later) over for extra flavor. Serve it with a piece of wholemeal bread spread with Becel ProActiv * and end your meal with an apple.

Salad snacks: Before you go out in the morning, stop some dates with chopped red onion and a teaspoon of white wine vinegar in a container. As soon as you feel like a snack, combine this dressing with leaves of lettuce (spinach and watercress are good for this) and some lemon juice for extra flavor.

Dinner: Slasoup with a goat cheese sandwich

Try this delicious soup from the Becel ProActiv website, combined with a goat cheese sandwich. Make a little extra so that you have a nice hot lunch tomorrow.

Healthy diet schedule: Wednesday
Breakfast: Cinnamon & banana sandwich

A sweet, but balanced delicacy to help you through the second half of the week: crush a banana with about half a teaspoon of cinnamon and spread two slices of wholemeal bread with it.

Lunch: Slasoup

The remaining lettuce soup from the night before is easy to carry and only needs to be warmed up - ideal!

Tasty snack: Make a few whole-grain bruschetta with tomato, avocado and ProActiv Délice to satisfy your hunger at the end of the afternoon.

Dinner: Wraps with spicy chicken and guacamole

Spread pieces of chicken fillet with a spice mix of cumin, chili powder, paprika powder, garlic powder and cayenne pepper before putting them under the grill. Wrap the chicken in a wholegrain wrap with some low-fat sour cream and guacamole. Cut a tomato, a piece of cucumber and some salad for a salad. Sprinkle with lime juice for a fresh dressing.

Healthy diet schedule: Thursday
Breakfast: Nut muesli

Drizzle your breakfast cereal with a dessert spoon of crushed nuts, blueberries, and pieces of banana.

Lunch: Avocado sandwich and shrimp

Roast a slice of wholemeal bread and spread it with Becel ProActiv *, the remaining avocado of yesterday, lemon juice, lime and a little paprika. Cover the avocado toast with peeled shrimps and some extra lime juice.

Snack: For a juicy snack, cut a nectarine and meat tomato into large pieces. Finish with pomegranate seeds and basil for a delicious sweet / savory combination.

Dinner: Scrambled eggs with kale, pesto and feta

Beat two eggs with a little skim milk and some pepper. While preparing the scrambled eggs, throw in the kale, spinach and some crumbled feta. Remove the pan from the heat and then add four teaspoons of the leftover parsley pesto.

Healthy diet schedule: Friday
Breakfast: Muesli bun with goat's cheese and strawberries

The last day of the work week! And how do you celebrate that better than with a delicious muesli bun with goat's cheese and fresh strawberries? With this delicious recipe you start your day full of energy.

Lunch: Spicy soup with shrimps

Turn the last bit of your vegetable soup into a delicious fish soup by adding shrimp. Serve with a slice of wholemeal bread spread with Becel ProActiv *.

Basil snack: Combine the basil topping from this recipe with a crispy piece of whole grain bread.

Dinner: airy nachos with chili

Another delicious Friday snack, light and hearty this time. Tear a half tortilla into pieces and spread over a baking dish. Throw in a few handfuls of thinly sliced ​​kale and mix well with some olive oil and salt. Place it in the oven until the kale is crisp and the pieces of tortilla are golden - do not lose sight of it! Then you scoop some of the warmed bolognaise sauce over the mixture. Finish with low-fat sour cream and a little grated cheese.

Healthy diet schedule: Saturday
Breakfast: green smoothie with passion fruit

Luxury yet airy and full of energy and nutrients - a perfect way to start your weekend! Put half an avocado, 3 tablespoons oatmeal, pieces of banana, the flesh of a (sieved) passion fruit and 600 ml of rice milk in the blender and ready!

Lunch: wok dish with shrimp and vegetables

A healthy wok dish full of fresh flavors and vitamins.

Exotic snack: treat yourself to our baked potato with Mexican topping. A healthy recipe for which you can use Becel ProActiv Light * or Délice.

Dinner: curry with chicken

A favorite for the Saturday night, but instead of ordering curry you can make it better yourself - cheaper and much healthier! Make an extra large amount, so that you have some stock for the next week.

As soon as you have tried this weekly menu you will see that following a balanced diet plan will not only benefit your wallet, but also your taste buds and health. In the future, try to come up with your own balanced menus, to be able to look forward to new, delicious dishes every day.

* Becel ProActiv contains plant sterols. Plant sterols have been shown to reduce blood cholesterol. High cholesterol is a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases. There are several risk factors for cardiovascular disease and the change in one of these factors may or may not have a beneficial effect. The intake of 1.5-2.4 g plant sterols per day can reduce cholesterol by 7 to 10% after 2 to 3 weeks.



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